About Us
Our experienced team produces the highest quality products at industry-competitive pricing.

Quality is Our Number One Priority
Our experienced team produces the highest quality products at industry-competitive pricing.
Customers turn to Alternative Surface Grinding for many of their manufacturing needs in diverse industries. They appreciate our commitment to quality, expertise, responsiveness and overall customer service.
We offer precision grinding, double disc grinding, hyprolap grinding, light band grinding, tumbling, double face grinding, and Blanchard grinding.
We’re able to grind plastics, rubber, ferrous and non-ferrous metal parts (powered metals, metal injection, etc.).
Alternative Surface Grinding History
Nearly sixty years ago the founder of Universal Seal Products Corporation, William J. Anderton, developed an improved shaft seal design. Word of the Micro Finishing Techniques used in production of his seal quickly spread throughout the manufacturing community. His Company was soon sought after for this service to be performed by manufacturers of other critical parts.
Over time, his son Fred Anderton, lead the Company through the change from manufacturer of shaft seals to a micro finishing and parts production service company. In 1987 Fred partnered with Bill Avis, who had been taught the technique of building shaft seals by the designer beginning in 1972.
As sole owner, Bill updated the Company name at the turn of this century to Alternative Surface Grinding to clearly exhibit the service that this business is best known for, precision surface grinding. Having since retired, Bill continues to assist in the manufacturer of shaft seals together with American Ring.